01- Ashes
02- Ashes, Pt. 2
03- When I Was Bed
04- Lament (Over The Shadows)
05- Face
06- The Luxury of Tears
07- Of The Wound
Catastrophe Ballet With Rhapsody of Youth And Rain:

01- Awake At The Wall
02- Sleepwalk
03- The Drowning
04- The Blue Hour
05- As Evening Falls
06- Androgynous Noise Hand Permeates
07- Electra Descending
08- Cervix Couch
09- This Glass House
10- The Feeling Somnambulist
11- The Somnolent Persuit
12- Between Youth
13- After The Rain
14- Awake At The Wall (live)
15- The Drowning (live)
Death Mix:
01- Deathwish [Wishful Death Mix]
02- The Angels [Zend-Avesta Mix]
03- Cervix Couch [One By One] [Mix]
04- Book Of Lies
05- Spiritual Cramp
06- Death In Detroit
07- Figurative Theatre [Extended Version]
08- Sleepwalk [Hypnotic Remix]
09- Figurative Theatre [Klute Version]
10- Desperate Hell
11- Still Born-Still Life [Dahmer's Dead Remix]
12- Mother [Forgiveness Mix]
13- Lost Minds [THD Remix]
Deathwish (EP):
01- Deathwish
02- Romeo's Distress
03- Dogs
04- Desperate Hell
05- Spiritual Cramp
06- Cavity
The Decomposition Of Violets (Live):
01- Awake At The Wall [Live]
02- The Drowning [Live]
03- Theatre Of Pain [Live]
04- Cavity [Live]
05- The Blue Hour [Live]
06- Electra Descending [Live]
07- As Evening Falls [Live]
08- Face [Live]
09- Romeo's Distress [Live]
The Iron Mask:
01- Spiritual Cramp
02- Sleepwalk
03- Skeleton Kiss
04- Figurative Theatre
05- Desperate Hell
06- Deathwish
07- Luxury Of Tears
08- Cervix Couch
09- Skeleton Kiss (Death mix)
10- Down In The Park (Live)
The Path Of Sorrows:
01- Psalm (Maggot's Lair)
02- The Path of Sorrows
03- Hour of The Wolf
04- In Absentia
05- Mother
06- The Angels (Cruciform)
07- Book of Lies
08- A Widow's Dream
09- Easter (In The Tombs)
Only Theatre of Pain:
01- Cavity - First Communion
02- Figurative Theatre
03- Burnt Offerings
04- Mysterium Iniquitatis
05- Dream For Mother
06- Stairs - Uncertain Journey
07- Spiritual Cramp
08- Romeo's Distress
09- Ressurection - Sixth Communion
10- Prayer
Iconologia (Live):
01- Excommunicamus [Live]
02- Cavity First Communion [Live]
03- Figurative Theatre [Live]
04- Cry Baby [Live]
05- Dream For Mother [Live]
06- Deathwish [Live]
07- Some The Other [Live]
08- Mysterium Iniquitatis [Live]
09- Kill Your Sons [Live]
10- Stairs - Uncertain Journey [Live]
11- Spiritual Cramp [Live]
12- Ressurection Sixth Communion [Live]
13- Sleepwalk [Live]
14- Romeo's Distress [Live]
15- Dogs [Live]
01- Will-O-The-Wisp
02- Tales of Innocence
03- Strapping Me Down
04- The Danzig Waltz
05- Chimere De Si De La
06- Silent Thunder
07- Strange Fortune
08- Ventriloquist
09- Gloomy Sunday
10- The Death of Josef
Born Again Anti Christian:
01- Betrayal
02- Zodiac (He Is Still Out There...)
03- In Your Eyes
04- The Knife
05- Peek A Boo
06- Superstition And Fear
07- Dead Sorry
08- Malevolent Shrew
09- Blood Dance
10- Fucking In Slow Motion
11- The Painted Aura
12- Kill Me
The Dolls Theatre (Live):
01- Birth/Death [Live]
02- Cavity - First Communion [Live]
03- Spiritual Cramp [Live]
04- Desperate Hell [Live]
05- Deathwish [Live]
06- Skeleton Kiss [Live]
07- Dream For Mother [Live]
08- Burnt Offerings [Live]
09- Ressurection Sixth Communion [Live]
10- Figurative Theatre [Live]
11- Romeo's Distress [Live]
12- Dogs [Live]
The Bible:
01- Cavity - First Communion [Live]
02- Sleepwalk [Live]
03- Ashes, Pt. 2
04- Strange Fortune
05- Alpha Sunset
06- This Is Heresy
07- Zero Sex [Live]
08- The Nascent Virion
09- Malus Amor
10- The Serpent's Tail [Live]
11- Pig Half Man
12- Washing Machine
Sexy Death God:
01- At The Threshold
02- Kingdom Of The Tainted Kiss
03- Heresy Act II
04- Damn You
05- Into Dust
06- Eternal Love
07- The Serpent's Tail
08- Kingdom Of The Solemn Kiss
09- Temples Of Desire
10- Deeply Deeply
11- Drilling The Hole
12- Upon The Sea Of Blood
13- Eyelids Down
14- Invitation Au Suicide
Sex And Drugs And Jesus Christ:
01- This Is Heresy
02- Jesus, Where's The Sugar ?
03- Wretched Mankind
04- Tragedy
05- The Third Antichrist
06- Erection
07- Ten Thousand Hundred Times
08- Incendiary Lover
09- Window Pain
Lover of Sin:
01- You Should Have Died
02- Unspoken
03- Stone Cold
04- The Vision
05- Darkness Walks With Me
06- No Shame
07- Paradox
08- Where The Dead sleep
09- Eulogy Cathederal
10- Lamb To The Slaughter
Jesus Points The Bone At You ? :
01- Believers of The Unpure
02- After The Rain
03- Sick of Love
04- The Loving Face
05- Church of No Return
06- Church of No Return [Endured Version]
07- What's The Verdict ?
08- This Is Heresy
09- Zero Sex
10- The Nascent Virion
11- We Fall Like Love
12- I Hate You
The Scriptures:
01- Prelude
02- Songs of Songs (Sick of Love)
03- Vanity
04- Four Horsemen
05- 1983 (C.D.)
06- Omega Dawn
07- A Ringing In Their Ears
08- The Golden Age
09- Alpha Sunset
10- Spilt Blood
11- Raw War
12- Reflections of The First Sesom Fo Koob
13- Jezebel's Tribulation
14- Wraeththu
Insanus, Ultio, Proditio, Misericordiaque:
01- Sevan-Us
02- Malus Amor
03- Tragicus Conatus
04- Vexatio
05- Somnium
06- Venenum
07- Mors-Voluntaria
08- Vita-Voluntaria
Past, Present And Forever:
01- Believers of The Unpure
02- Ouverture
03- The Wind Kissed Pictures
04- The Lake Of Fire
05- Blast of The Bough
06- Amaterasu
07- The Absolute
08- Lacrima Christi (English Version)
09- Lacrima Christi (Italian Version)
01- The Great Swarm of Bees
02- Into The Shitworld
03- Nineteen Ninety Nine
04- The Black Ones
05- The Pig Half Man
06- Black Empire
07- Thunderstorm
08- Alone
09- Is This The Will of God
10- Without
Pornographic Messiah:
01- The Dissention of Faith
02- The Corruption Of Innocence
03- The Origin of Man
04- The Lie Behind The Truth
05- The Millenium Unwinds
06- Weave My Spell
07- Washing Machine
08- Sex Dwarf
09- Does It Hurt ?
10- The Obscene Kiss
11- Out of Control
12- Cave of The Unborn
13- Die With You
14- She Never Woke Up
15- Pillars of Osiris
16- Spontaneous Human Detonation / The 9 Is A 6
American Inquisition:
01- Water Into Wine
02- Stop Bleeding On Me
03- Narcissus Metamorphosis Of
04- Victim X
05- To Disappear
06- Dexter Said No To Methadone
07- Angels And Drugs
08- Seduction Thy Destruction
09- Workship Along The Nile
10- See You In Hell
11- Surviving Armageddon
12- The Last Thing
13- XIII
Amen (Live In Mexico):
Disco 1:
01- Prelude [Introtape with Audience] [Live]
02- Prologomenon [Live]
03- The Nascent Virion [Live]
04- Damn You [Live]
05- Into Dust [Live]
06- Sick of Love [Live]
07- Drilling The Hole [Live]
08- The Serpent's Tail [Live]
09- Wretched Mankind [Live]
10- Kingdom of The Tainted Kiss [Live]
11- Children of The Volley [Live]
Disco 2:
01- Eternal Love [Live]
02- Temples of Desire [Live]
03- Speaking With Audience
04- Deeply Deeply [Live]
05- Androginous Hands Permeates [Live]
06- Invitation Au Suicide [Live]
07- Zero Sex [Live]
08- Heresy Act II [Live]
09- Audience With Encore
10- Sleepwalk [Live]
11- Ashes [Live]
Disco 1: http://rapidshare.com/files/174201946/Amen_CD_1.rar
Disco 2: http://rapidshare.com/files/174208992/Amen_CD_2.rar
Tales Of Innocence, A Continued Anthology (Live):
01- The Golden Age [Live]
02- Will O' The Wisp [Live]
03- Strange Fortune [Live]
04- The Wind Kissed Pictures [Live]
05- Between Youth [Live]
06- Believers Of The Unpure [Live]
07- Lament (Over The Shadows) [Live]
08- Face [Live]
09- Lullaby [Live]
10- Tales Of Innocence [Live]
11- Jezebel's Tribulation [Live]
12- Look At The [Live]
13- Gloomy Sunday [Live]
14- Ventriloquist [Live]
An Official Anthology Of Live Bootlegs:
01- Awake At The Wall [Live]
02- Sleepwalk [Live]
03- Theatre Of Pain [Live]
04- Cavity (First Communion) [Live]
05- The Blue Hour [Live]
06- When I Was Bed [Live]
07- Birth [Live]
08- Coming Forth By Day [Live]
09- This Glass House [Live]
10- The Drowning [Live]
11- Cervix Couch [Live]
12- Figurative Theatre [Live]
13- Untitled - Followed By Crowd Chaos
All The Love All The Hate - Part 1: All The Love:
01- Introduction
02- Live Long Together
03- We Fall Like Love
04- Love Don't Let Me Down
05- Suivre La Trance De Quelqu'un
06- Love Is Like A Bithchin' In My Heart
07- I'm Using You (For Love)
08- Deviate Love
10- To Mother Earth
All The Love All The Hate - Part 2: All The Hate:
01- Born In A Womb, Died In A Tomb
02- Baptised In Fire
03- I Hate You
04- Children of The Volley
05- Kneel Down
06- Climate of Violence (Parts 1- 2 & 3)
07- The Final Solution
08- Nazi Killer
09- Man To Father Fire
Sleepless Night (Live):
01- Cavity-First Communion [Live]
02- Figurative Theatre [Live]
03- Burnt Offerings [Live]
04- Do Do [David Bowie Cover / Live]
05- Mysterium Iniquitatis [Live]
06- Dream For Mother [Live]
07- Uncertain Journey [Live]
08- Spiritual Cramp [Live]
09- Romeo's Distress [Live]
10- Ressurection 6th Communion [Live]
11- Deathwish [Live]
12- Sleepwalk [Live]
The Rage Of Angels:
01- Trust (The Sacred And Unclean)
02- Lost Minds
03- Still Born/Still Life, Part I
04- Sex
05- Her Only Sin
06- Bad Year
07- Torch Song
08- Still Born/Still Life, Part II (The Unknown Men)
09- Procession
10- Panic In Detroit
Death In Detroit:
01- Panic In Detroit
02- Panic In Detroit [Whatever]
03- Figurative Theater
04- Panic In Detroit [Turning In His Grave]
05- Venus In Furs
06- Skeleton Kiss [Death Mix]
07- Panic In Detroit
08- Spiritual Cramp [Symptom Reversal]
Death Club 1981-1993:
01- Dogs
02- Deathwish
03- Cavity - First Communion
04- Romeo's Distress
05- Cervix Couch
06- The Drowning
07- Ashes
08- The Luxury Of Tears
09- Spectre (Love Is Dead)
10- Halos
11- This Mirage
12- The Angels (Cruciform)
13- Venus In Furs
14- Psalm (Maggots Lair)
15- Entrevista con Rozz Williams [Bonus Track]
Sticks A Finger Down It's Throat:

01- Lullabye (Alt. Version)
02- Sleepwalk (Alt. Version)
03- Deathwish (Alt.Version)
04- Romeo's Distress (Alt. Version)
05- Introduction To Film (Unreleased)
06- Working On Beyond (Unreleased Live)
07- Into The Light (Unreleased live)
08- Cavity Figurative Theatre (Alt. live)
09- Spectre (Love Is Dead) (Unreleased Version)
10- Haloes (Unreleased)
11- German Beer Hall Song
Six Six Sixth Communion:

01- Sleepwalk (Original Version 1983)
02- Invocation III (1983)
03- Haloes (1985)
04- Spectre (Love Is Dead 1985)
05- Snake Pit (Live At Anti-Club 1982)
06- Romeo's Distress (Demo 1981)
07- The Angels (Laibach 1993 Remix)
08- Figurative Theatre (The Iron Mask Session 1992)
09- Deathwish (Live 1990)
10- Desperate Hell (Live Whiskey A Go-Go 1981)
11- Six Six Sixth Communion (Live Whiskey A Go-Go 1982)
12- Venus In Furs (Bonus Track Path Of Sorrows Session 1993)
13- Spiritual Cramp (Bonus Track Iron Mask Session 1992)
14- Skeleton Kiss (Bonus Track Iron Mask Session 1992)
Invocations (1981-1989)

01- Invocation I
02- Working On Beyond (Live)
03- Spiritual Cramp (Live)
04- Face (Demo)
05- Six Six Sixth Communion
06- Snake Pit (Live)
07- Trials (Uncertain Journey)
08- Invocation II
09- Desperate Hell (Live)
10- Do Do (David Bowie Cover / Live)
11- Sleepwalk (Demo)
12- Invocation III
13- Haloes
14- Spectre (Love Is Dead)
Heretics Alive
01- This Is Heresy [Live]
02- Wretched Mankind [Live]
03- Sick of Love [Live]
04- The Nascent Virion [Live]
05- Golden Age [Live]
06- Erection [Live]
07- Chimere De-Ci, De-La' [Live]
08- Four Horsemen [Live]
09- Church of No Return [Live]
Eso completa la Discografia de Christian Death, ahora más discos de bandas que Rozz participó (Daucus Karota, Shadow Project y Premature Ejaculation) y como solista.
Shadow Project
Dreams For The Dying:
01- Static Jesus
02- Days Of Glory
03- Funeral Rites
04- Zaned People
05- Thy Kingdom Come
06- Knight Stalker
07- Holding You Close
08- Lord Of The Flies
09- Circle And The Cross (Hidden Track)
10- 23-13
From The Heart:
01- Static Jesus
02- Forever Came Today
03- Alpha And Omega
04- Hall Of Mirrors
05- Million Years
06- By God
07- Holy Hell
08- Hounds Upon The Hare
09- Lying Deep
10- Bitter Man
11- Home Is Where
12- Maybe Someday
Shadow Project:
01- Under Your Wing
02- The Other Flesh
03- Death Plays His Role
04- Penny In A Bucket
05- Epitaph (Time Will)
06- Red Handed
07- Here And There
08- Working On Beyond
09- Holy Hell
10- Lying Deep
11- Into The Light
12- Holy Holy
Daucus Karota
Shrine (EP):
01- The Stranger
02- Angel
03- Raw Power
04- Love Lies
05- Father Of Temptation
Premature Ejaculation
01- Salvation, Deliverance, Prayer For The Sick
02- Red
03- The Nature Of Pain
04- Partial And Complete
05- Transillumination
06- Fistula In Ano
07- Taking Good Care Of Your Fear
08- The Most Astounding Living Monstrosity
09- Ara
Rozz Williams (como solista)
Accept The Gift Of Sin (Live In Philadelphia 1996):
01- Cavity [Live]
02- When I Was Bed [Live]
03- Tomorrow Belongs To Me (From Cabaret Movie) [Live]
04- Beautiful Brown Shirtedman
05- I'm Not In Love [Live]
06- Dream A Little Dream Of Me
07- Mindfuck (Soundtrack to a Murder) [Live]
Rozz Williams & Gitane Demone
Dream Home Heartache:
01- In Every Dream Home A Heartache
02- These Vulnerable Eyes
03- The Pope's Egg Hat
04- Manic Depression [Jimi Hendrix Cover]
05- Flowers
06- A World Apart
07- Moon Without A Tear
08- In Every Dream Home A Heartache (Reprise)
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