Gran comnpilado de bandas de los más diversos subgéneros electrónicos. Incluye a los máximo íconos de cada subestilo: Hocico, Blutengel, God Module, entre otros. Disfrútenlo.Track ListingCD1:01 Kloq – You never know (the kloq remix)02 Ashbury Heights - Penance03 Tristesse de la lune - Let’s pretend04 Lola Angst – Ziggy´s Lullaby05 Client feat. Douglas McCarthy - Suicide sister06 Necessary Res-ponse - Spilling Blood07 Rabia Sorda - Things never were08 Analogue Brain - Cold as stone (Die Krupps remix)09 Agonoize - Sacrifice (Chinese Theatre hard remix)10 Northborne - Baby needs coke11 UnterArt - Exit12 Accessory – Ewigkeit13 Tumor - Töte alle14 God Module - Fear15 Dulce Liquido - Sadist16 Adam - Voodoo NationCD2:01 Blutengel-Misery02 Din A Tod-Tragic blue (rough_mix)03 Scandy-It’s wicked (vocal remix by Combichrist)04 Angels & Agony - Forward (Construggle Test Mix)05 Spetsnaz - Freedom06 Hocico - Ecos (move bastard mix)07 Solitary Experiments - Fast Pain Relief (MOJ EDIT)08 Proceed - Spiegelschönheit09 Aesthetic Perfection - Living the Wasted Life (machineries mix)10 Combichrist feat Helltrash - Hate And Booze11 Trümmerwelten - Die for your Love (Rough Mix)12 Cephalgy - Was Bleibt13 Amduscia - Your deep shit14 Signal Aout 42 – Langemark15 Kiew – Delusion16 Decoded Feedback - Where I am
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