lunes, 4 de febrero de 2008

castlevania ( curse of darckness )


01 Abandoned Castle - The Curse of Darkness

02 Followers of Darkness - The First

03 Baljhet Mountains

04 Belmont - The Legend

05 The Man Who Destroyed Dracula - Part 2

06 Garibaldi Temple

07 Mortvia Fountain

08 Followers of Darkness - The Third

09 The Forest of Jigramunt

10 Insane Aristocracy.mp3

11 The Siblings' Sad Destiny

12 Eneomaos Machine Tower

13 Aiolon Ruins.mp3

14 The Power of a Hunter - Part 2

15 The Dark Holy Man

16 Dracula - Part 1

17 A Toccata into Blood Soaked Darkness

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